MUNA is a great project which develops your involvement with local schools, builds international understanding and gives students the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the workings of the United Nations Assembly and the countries that are represented there.
We also wish to involve as many International Exchange Students as possible. They can act as advisers to countries or participate in a team.
The cost of the weekend for a team of 2 students is $700 and for each additional team member it is an additional $250.
If you have an exchange student in your club, please ask the student to pencil MUNA in his/her diary.
Registration forms are available on line or from the MUNA Co-ordinator. The list of countries for the students to list their preferences of countries is available, as are, registration information, summary sheet, a consent form to be signed by a parent/guardian of the student allowing them to participate and the code of behaviour form for the students to read and sign which outlines the standards we expect the students to maintain. As well, we have a form for a counsellor to use if wishing to secure accommodation.
To facilitate better debate, we have grouped nations into five Blocs and we would appreciate it if your students would nominate one nation from each Bloc, indicating their order of preference. The registrar for MUNA will advise you of the country your team will debate once the application form is received.
Where the nation selected by your team has an Embassy or High Commission in Canberra, we also endeavour to make contact with them and invite their representatives to attend the Saturday night dinner with the students. Many Embassies and High Commissions look forward to assisting the students and we encourage your team to make contact with its selected nation's Embassy, High Commission or Consulate.

In recent years some Embassies and High Commissions have extended an invitation to students to visit them and representatives have attended segments of the conference.
The ANU offers to MUNA participants a short guided tour throughout the Campus during the first Friday. This is considered to be an important part of the total program for the weekend.
The Role of the Counsellor
An important aspect of nominating a MUNA team is the identification of an adult Counsellor, who is expected to be the prime support person to the team, both with advice and supervision when MUNA proceedings are not 'in session'. Thus, a Counsellor will be expected to ensure that the participating students act responsibly over the course of the event and adhere to the high standards of behaviour that are expected from those representing their school and/or Rotary Club/District.
While Counsellors are encouraged to attend the MUNA debating sessions on the Saturday and Sunday, they are also expected to attend the formal dinner on Saturday.
Please consider participation at MUNA.
The registration form and relevant papers together with the appropriate fee, should be forwarded at the earliest opportunity, to:
MUNA Committee
Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise
P.O. Box 479
Dickson ACT 2602.
If you have enquiries about application and registration, please contact:
MUNA Registrar
Rotarian Rosemary Everett
Phone:(02) 6290 0294, mobile 0408 301 650, or email:
MUNA is a great project which develops clubs involvement with local schools, builds international understanding and gives students the opportunity to expand their knowledge of the workings of the United Nations and the countries that are represented there.