Inner Wheel is a friendship and service organisation throughout 100 Countries worldwide, making it one of the world’s largest women’s voluntary organisations. Inner Wheel had its beginnings in Manchester, England on 10th January 1924 when Mrs Margarette Golding presided over a club formed by the wives of Rotarians. This club was the first to bear the name Inner Wheel.
Membership is now available to women over 18 who are or were related to an Inner Wheel member, Rotarian, or former Inner Wheel member or Rotarian, former female member of Rotaract or the wife/mother of Rotaract member.
Clubs can also offer Honorary Membership. Further information about membership and Inner Wheel can be found on

The OBJECTS of Inner Wheel are:
  • To promote true friendship
  • To encourage the ideals of personal service
  • To foster international understanding

There are 4 levels of Inner Wheel organisation: Club, District, National, International Clubs and districts support projects within local, national and global communities.
Inner Wheel Australia’s national project is in support of Cord Blood Research.Inner Wheel offers the opportunity for joint projects and friendships the world over. Inner Wheel Australia holds a National Conference annually.