Donations in Kind (DIK)

Some easy DIK Projects

Donations In Kind is the program whereby Rotarians and Rotary Clubs source surplus goods and products within Australia that have no further use here. These goods however, are valuable to those in needy countries. A central co-ordination committee stores, packs and dispatches the goods to those needy countries.

Books to Developing Countries

A simple starting project would be to approach all the schools in your Club area and seek their culled books from their libraries each year. These educational books are invaluable in developing countries where English is the second language.

Remember, one of the greatest gifts we can give children is the gift of an education.
Volunteers Isabel and Liz sorting books
Childrens Library in Fiji
Reading class in Kathmandu, Nepal
A budding leader of the future

Eyeglass Recycling Project

We have been approached by interested people to recycle used eyeglasses into developing countries. We know of at least two countries that will take as many glasses as we can supply – Sri Lanka and Vanuatu.
Set up an A4 box on the members check in desk for one month to collect the glasses. You’ll be surprised at the result. Just think about all those old glasses put at the back of the drawer.
Medical student Kylie Ngu and Lucy Dang "Unite for Sight" project in Ghana
Medical students Kylie Ngu and Lucy Dang "Unite for Sight" project in Ghana
"I can see!"
Patients recovering after cataract surgery

Christmas Box Project

Yea Secondary College students, with the help of Ruth Konig (R.C. Yea D9790), suggested that the students fill a shoe box with small Christmas gifts worth “no more than $20”. The Christmas boxes are designed to help children who would have to go without on Christmas morning, in developing countries. The students gathered together an inspirational range of little gifts to fill the boxes. Some of the items included small soft toys, coloured pencils, books, puzzles, perfumed soap, toothpaste, tooth brushes, hair combs, caps, and lollipops. The target children for these Christmas boxes are in the age range of two to 14 years, boys and girls.
The boxes were shipped to East Timor orphanages in time for Christmas.
This has been an incredibly successful project, which is now ongoing each year. Why not get your local school involved. The rewards are priceless.
Yea Secondary College Students
Christmas Shoe Boxes
Christmas Boxes ready to go!
Happy Children in Tibar Ryder-Cheshire Home, East Timor


We are always looking for volunteers to help sort and pack the goods. We have some volunteers who work on Thursday mornings each week at the Multi-Distrct Footscray Store. Extra volunteers may be required to help pack a container on a Saturday morning. Why not make this a Club project and come and help. So whether you can work once a week or once a month, or even when we call upon you on an as required basis, we appreciate your help.

Extra volunteers may be required to help pack a container on a Saturday morning. Why not make this a Club project and come and help.
Members of the Rotary Club of Strathmore helping pack a container
Melbourne University medical students helping sort medical goods
Packing computers for Sri Lanka
Rotary Volunteers working on computers
Your Club can help “Donations in Kind” by putting aside some funds each year to help send containers overseas.
I am prepared to visit any Club in District 9790 to talk about DIK. I have a Powerpoint presentation which is the best way of informing Clubs of this valuable program of Rotary.
David Meller PP PHF
(R.C. Strathmore)
Chairman District 9790 DIK